Our history
Eónica Solutions was born in 2013 with the illusion of two entrepreneurs who manage to turn an exciting project into a reality.
Given the evolution of the company and with the aim of expanding and enhancing its services, in 2020 it moves to new facilities of about 1000m², which allows us to meet the needs of our clients and offer current solutions in design, manufacture and assembly of its products and subcontracting of any EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Services) service, in order to help companies achieve their goals.
Commitment, quality and service are the basis of our business strategy, which, driven by our human team, allows us to see our future with enthusiasm and optimism, sure of being able to offer our clients the best collaboration.

Creating team
“The success of a company is simply a reflection of the attitude, degree of motivation and commitment of the people who form it.”
The VALUES in which we firmly believe are:
Passion is the soul of EÓNICA, our main engine. “Wanting what you do”, and above all not settling just for a job “well done”, always looking for excellence.
We are committed to sincerity, we are honest and transparent in everything we do.
We base our growth on the development of new and better solutions based on design and technology.
We go beyond compliance with the rules, we take care of and ensure the safety of people, always seeking the highest quality.
“Always dream and aim higher than you know you can achieve”
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